World AI Summit Americas 2024
Keynote talk on "Towards Understanding Why Deep Learning Works",
Montreal, Canada, March 2024.
ASRU 2024
Eyeriss系列论文总结 - 知乎:2021-11-4 · 新版加速器Eyeriss v2,跑MobileNet比Eyeriss快12.6倍,功耗低2.5 倍 为了少花一些cycle在“跳过0”这个过程上,采用CSC编码,如图4,先判断输入是否为0,输入为0直接跳过;如果输入不为0再判断权重是否为0,权重为0直接跳过,有不为0的权重时会继续在 ...
Boston University
Invited talk on "Some empirical observations linking representation and generalization",
Boston, USA, February 2024.
Qualcomm Machine Learning Summit
Keynote speaker on "Some empirical observations linking representation and generalization",
San Diego, USA, October 2018.
Uber Machine Learning Summit
Keynote speaker on "A Sample of Recent Deep Learning Research at Google Brain", San Francisco, USA, September 2018.
Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Invited talk on "Neural Combinatorial Optimization with
Reinforcement Learning with application to device placement". Berlin,
Germany, June 2017.
Guest Lecture on "Deep Architectures for Structured Data".
Moscow, Russia, December 2016.
Berkeley University
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Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Invited talk on "Order Matters: Sequence to Sequence for Sets". MIT, Cambridge, USA, June 2016.
DALI 2016
Invited talk on "Order Matters: Sequence to Sequence for Sets". Sestri Levante, Italy, April 2016.
College de France
Invited talk on "Neural Image Captioning and other Structured Output Problems". Paris, France, March 2016.
eBay Machine Learning and Data Science Conference
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Princeton Computer Science Department Seminar
Invited talk on "Neural Image Captioning". Princeton University, USA, February 2016.
NIPS 2015 Extreme Classification Workshop
Invited talk on "Sharing is Caring in the Land of the Long Tail". Montreal, Canada, December 2015.
ICMI 2015
Invited talk on "Sharing Representations for Long Tail Computer Vision Problems
Seattle, USA, November 2015.
ICIAP 2015
Invited talk on "The Battle Against the Long Tail in Computer Vision".
Genoa, Italy, September 2015.
AFEKA Conference for unsupervised learning
Invited talk on "The power of embeddings for text, images, music, voice and image caption generation".
Tel Aviv, Israel, April 2015.
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
Invited talk on "The Battle Against the Long Tail".
Toronto, Canada, January 2015.
Speaker Odyssey 2014
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Trends in Machine Learning
Invited talk on "Embeddings for images: from large scale
image labeling to zero-shot classification". Kyoto, Japan, March 2014.
Invited talks on "Large Scale Semantic Extraction Through
Embeddings: From Images to Music" and "DeViSE". Ile de Porquerolles,
France, September 2013.
Microsoft Machine Learning Summit 2013
Invited talk on "Laconic: Label Consistency for Image
Categorization". Paris, April 2013.
WebVision 2012
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Invited talk on "Learning A Semantic Space: From Image
Annotation to Music Similarity". Toronto, Canada. May 2012.
Conference on Document Analysis Systems.
Invited talk on "Learning A Semantic Space: From Image Annotation to
Music Similarity". Gold Coast, Queensland. March 2012.
云豹加速器-小米应用商店 - Xiaomi:2021-5-7 · 小米应用商店提供云豹加速器免费下载,云豹是支持外网、外服游戏加速的全能加速器。采用国际光纤专线,安全私密一键跨境,不限流量畅游全球网站,超值赠送游戏加速,注册享免费体验。
Invited talk on "Learning A Semantic Space: From Image
Annotation to Music Similarity". UCLA, January 2011.
NIPS Similarity Workshop 2011
Invited talk on "Online Similarity Learning: From Images
to Texts". Sierra Nevada, Andalucia, Spain, December 2011.
Toyota Technical Institute in Chicago
Invited talk on "Learning A Semantic Space: From Image
Annotation to Music Similarity". Chicago, November 2011.
National Academy of Engineering's Frontier of
Invited talk on "Large Scale Visual Semantic Extraction".
Mountain View, California, September 2011.
Symposium on distributed machine learning and sparse
representation with massive data sets, organized by CSIRO.
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NIPS 2010 Workshop on Machine Learning for Next
Generation Computer Vision Challenges.
Invited talk on "Large scale image annotation: Learning
to rank with joint word-image embeddings". Whistler, Canada,
December 2010.
IEEE Fourth International Conference on Biometrics:
Theory, Applications and Systems, BTAS 2010.
Invited talk on "Large scale image annotation: Learning
to rank with joint word-image embeddings". Arlington, Virginia, USA,
September 2010.
Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and
Image Analysis, IbPRAI.
Invited talk on "OASIS", Porto, Portugal, June 2009.
Colloque international Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le
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et Sciences.
Lectures on "Statistical Machine Learning for Multimodal
Sequence Processing and Extraction". Presqu'ile de Giens, September
International Conference on Accoustic, Speech and
Signal Processing, ICASSP.
Invited talk at special session on
Multimodal Biometric Authentication. Title: "Chimeric users to construct
fusion classifiers in biometric authentication tasks: An investigation".
Toulouse, May 2006.
15eme congres francophone en reconnaissance des
formes et intelligence artificielle,
Invited talk on
"Challenges in Multi Channel Sequence Processing".
Tours, January 2006.
International Conference on Multimodal Interactions,
Tutorial on "Statistical Machine Learning, with
application to Multimodal Interactions".
Trento, Italy. October 2005.
Fourteenth Dutch-Belgian Conference on Machine Learning,
Invited talk on "Challenges in Multi-Channel Sequence
Processing". University of Twente. Enschede, Holland. February, 2005.
Summer School on Statistics and Environmental Sciences.
Lecture on "Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning".
Carg�se, Corsica, France. Novembre, 2004.